- This plugin has functions same as InStr /InStrB functions of REALbasic. The speed is almost equal with InStr /InStrB functions of REALbasic.
Can select search method or ignore recognition of case of Enghlish characters !
Compatible with 1byte script and SJIS !
Compatible with strings containing "&h00" !
Can build Windows application !
Select search method of ignore or recognition case of Enghlish charactor.
mic_InStrCheckType( CheckType as Integer )
0: Ignore case (default: same search type as REALbasic).
1: Recognition case (reset to 0 after work)
2: Recognition case (fix recognition search)
Returns the first occurrence of the a string inside another string. (the number of characters in a string)
mic_InStr(Source as String, find as String) as Integer
Returns the first occurrence of the a string inside another string. (the number of characters in a string)
mic_StartInStr(Start as Integer, Source as string, find as String) as Integer
Returns the first occurrence of the a string inside another string. (the number of bytes in a string)
mic_InStrB(Source as String, find as String) as Integer
Returns the first occurrence of the a string inside another string. (the number of bytes in a string)
mic_StartInStrB(Start as Integer, Source as string, find as String) as Integer